RE: This one’s on him

Just like my previous piece, Identity, I wrote this on the spot, in my phone, during train rides to and from work.

It’s meant to be something special for victims of sexual abuse and rape. I was inspired by a mutual’s brave decision in coming out as a survivor, and also by the many brave women in Hollywood coming forward to take a stand against their sexual abusers.

Continue reading RE: This one’s on him

This one’s on him

In light of recent events in Hollywood regarding survivors of abuse calling out their perpetrators, the relentless protest against sexual assault and abuse has intensified tremendously.

Just the other day, I talked to a small group of young women at a volunteer booth for abuse victims who had either been in an abusive relationship, or had been sexually assaulted. All their stories were shared with tears and breaking voices, and it’s truly a wonder that they have the determination to stay strong and offer support for those who need it.

This is a little something for each and every one of them… and you.

WARNING: Contents contain descriptions of sexual assault & abuse

Continue reading This one’s on him